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Apple Wars

We are in an era where wars are knocking at our doors. Some are unhesitatingly fanning the flames of chaos! While our internal discussions continue, hidden enemies are after the apple. Do you realize? Those who seem to be on your side are not actually from you! They are nothing more than masks.

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Greatest Treasure

So, what is the greatest treasure? Have we ever thought about it? We live in a vast universe, sharing the same world with billions of people. But in reality, each person lives in their own world. Everyone has their own universe, which means billions of worlds. The interesting thing is that everyone sees themselves as the most important person in their own world.

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Du Monde des Souris au Monde des Humains

J'ai observé la souris un peu plus longtemps. Elle avait fabriqué un endroit pour dormir avec les copeaux sous la plateforme de jeu et avait un autre espace de stockage de nourriture là-bas. Il semblait que la souris était instinctivement programmée pour accumuler. Ce comportement m'a fait réfléchir. Waouh, ai-je pensé, les humains ne sont-ils pas pareil ?

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The Story of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Medina Jewish Market

One of the first actions of our Prophet (peace be upon him) after migrating to Medina was to establish the Medina Market. At that time, the markets in Medina were controlled by polytheists and Jews. After touring the existing markets in Medina, our Prophet (peace be upon him) realized that these markets were not suitable for Muslims to conduct trade. Therefore, he established the Medina Market to

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idolized lies

Of course, if we can't find the truth, we become prisoners of doubts and falsehoods. Falsehoods lead us astray from our goals and take us to the wrong places.

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The Contemporary Economic System and Islam

In the past, trade was conducted with gold. People who couldn't protect their gold at home paid a fee to a few smart merchants in the city to keep their gold safe. These merchants gave them a piece of paper, a banknote, recording the transaction. The term "banknote" comes from this, and it is considered the invention of money.

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